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Set List and Charts
Nov. 20th, 2024​
First Set:
Beckerman No.1
Drohobitsher Khusidl
Omediker Nign
Sadigurer Khusidl
Gas Volekhl K981
Behusher Khosid
Freylekhs No. 5
Second Set:
Epstein Brothers Bulgar
Freylekhs fun der Khupe (not Noch der Khupe)
Levitt's Dobranotsh
Belzer Hakofo Nign
Boiberiker Khasene
Marsh tsu der Khupe K1058
Kostakovsky Fantasia Rumania and Sirba
We need your help!
New! Tax Receipts with donations of $100 and above
When you donate $100 or more to the Toronto Klezmer Society, you can be issued a tax reciept. Please send us a note in the "contact" section for more information.
Donations of less than $100 are very much appreciated as well! Please click here to donate to the Toronto Klezmer Society directly.
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